Create a Custom Object

 Put your business information into PerfectMind by using Custom Objects.


PerfectMind will help walk you through the necessary steps when creating a new custom object.  In these steps you will define the basic properties of the object.  You can set the custom objects Deployment Status to In Development which lets you work on it without it being visible to other PerfectMind users until you decide to deploy it.


Permissions are required to work on Custom Objects.


A PerfectMind user needs to have permissions to view and work on custom objects.  See Permissions Overview for details on setting and granting permissions.


Before creating a new custom object, it's useful to have an idea of what information you want to put in it, who should be able to see and use it, and what it will need to be linked to.  When creating a custom object you will be naming it, adding your data fields to it, setting the permissions for the user profiles, and optionally creating or editing the page layout, creating views, and adding custom buttons for custom functionality.


Create a New Custom Object


Begin by going into the PerfectMind Setup section, and selecting Development > Objects from the side menu.



PerfectMind will help guide you through creating new custom objects, presenting new tabs to you as you enter and save your information.

  1. Click the New button.

  2. Enter the Object Details.  This is the information PerfectMind uses to display your custom objects.

  3. Click the Next tab.  See:  Object Details.

  4. Enter the Object Feature information.  This broadly sets how your object will act in PerfectMind, and how it will look to the user.  See:  Object Features.

  5. Click the Next tab.

  6. The Permission tab lists your user profiles in PerfectMind.  Determine who can see and use your custom object.  You give permissions to a profile, and all users in that profile will have those permissions for the object, e.g. the Sales profile covers all sales personnel, so if you give View permissions to the Sales profile, all sales people will be able to see it.  See:  Permissions.

  7. Click Save to save your changes.

  8. You will return to the object, and will see that new tabs have been created to finish the objects details.

  9. Click Fields and Relationships to enter new fields to hold information for your object.  For example, for a Customer object, you might have contact names, address information, etc.  See:  Fields and Relationships for information on creating and entering this information.

  10. Click the Page Layout tab.  This determines what the object will look like to the user on the screen.  You determine where the fields are, include any dashboards or reports on the page, and add any custom buttons you want.  An object can have more than one layout, so you can present different users with different views of the information.  See:  Page Layout.

  11. Click the Templates tab.  A template can automatically enter information when someone creates a new record.  An object can have multiple templates, which can fill in different information based on the template that the user has assigned to them.  Templates are optional and are not required for objects.  See:  Templates.

  12. Click the Views tab.  A view is just a way to present information.  You can set what information in the record will be shown, and filter all of the records by criteria that you set.  For example, a view could show only customer names and phone numbers, filtered by the city the customer is located in (showing only customers from the selected city).  See:  Views.

  13. Click the Custom Buttons tab.  Custom buttons allow you to add buttons to the page layout, and customize or determine what that button does when the user clicks it.  Buttons can navigate to a different part of the application or page, start a process such as adding a new customer or sale, or perform an action such as creating an appointment.  See:  Custom Buttons.

  14. When finished, click Save to record your changes.  Cancel will return you to the object without saving any work or changes.


You can always Save, then change or fill in the details of an object later.


Edit a Custom Object


When you need to make changes to an object, such as profile permissions, layout, or other features, it can simply be edited.


In the custom object list, click on the name of the object you want to work with.

  1. Click on the tab where you want to make the changes.

  2. Enter your changes.

  3. Click the Save button.


Delete a Custom Object


To preserve and protect your information, you will not be able to delete an object if it and it's data are related to other information in PerfectMind.  For example, you could not delete a customer who had an owing invoice, or delete a business location if it still had employees linked to that location.


In the custom object list, select the row for the custom object that you want to delete.  Do not click on the object's name unless you want to open the object.


  1. Click the Delete button.

  2. Confirm that you wish to delete the object.


See Also

Object Details

Object Features


Fields and Relationships

Page Layout



Custom Buttons



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