Page Layout


A page layout lets you choose what information to show, where on the page it appears, and who gets to see it.  You can have more than one page layout for an object.


Permissions are required to work with custom objects.


A Page Layout allows you to determine how you will show the information about an object; it controls what the user will see.  Each object can have more than one page layout, and each layout can show your choice of information in the way that you want to show it.  A page layout can be assigned to different user profiles, so you can choose exactly what you want to show to the users.  You can create a summary view of the layout by choosing what fields will be part of the summary view.  PerfectMind automatically creates a default page layout which you can edit and use.


Create a New Page Layout

For full details and instructions see:  Create a Page Layout and Page Layout - Add Related Tabs

From the Page Layout tab:

  1. Click the New button.

  2. Give the layout a descriptive name.

  3. In the Section Properties, give the first section a Name, and select the number of columns and rows.  

  4. If you want the section to be open and displayed when the user sees the page, check the Selection Expandable box.  Otherwise the user will see the section on the page and be able to expand it themselves.

  5. Click on a field from the list and drag it and drop it into the place where you want it to appear.  You can clear a field by reversing this, just click on the field in the section then drag it over to the list.

  6. If you want to add a new section click on the New Section button.

  7. When a field has been added to a section, click on the field icon to set it's properties.  These appear at the top right.  You can make a field Required (must be filled in when creating a new entry), Read Only (can not be changed), and Show in Summary (see it in the summary view).

  8. You can click on Add Related Tab to add a user Audit tab or a related object to the layout.  Audit allows you to see records of who had been working with the object and what changes they have made.  If a related object (an object that has a relationship through master-detail or lookup fields) tab is added, you can see the related records from that object.  For example, if the object is Contact, and the related object is Invoice, when the user clicks the Invoice tab they see the invoices for the contact that they are looking at.

  9. Click Add Button if you want to add buttons to the layout.  See Custom Buttons about creating buttons and what functions they can do.

  10. If you want to add fields from a related object, select the object from the drop down list above the Available Fields, and you can select, drag, and drop fields from the related object into the layout.

  11. If you want to add Reports or Dashboards to the layout, select Report Charts from the drop down list above the Available Fields, and you can select, drag, and drop those onto your layout.  See Reports or Dashboards for details.

  12. Click Preview to see the basic layout displayed.

  13. Click Preview Summary to see the Summary view.  You must have at least one field with it's Show in Summary property checked to have a Summary view.

  14. Click Save to finish.


Edit a Page Layout


You can change and update views that you have already created and saved.

  1. Select the custom object to work on, and then click it's Page Layout tab.

  2. Click on the name of the page layout to select it.

  3. You can now add, remove, and modify sections, fields, and their properties.

  4. Click Save when you are finished, or Cancel to return to the Page Layout tab without saving any changes.


Clone a Page Layout


This allows you to quickly create a new page layout by copying one that already exists.  You can then modify the cloned (copied) layout.

  1. Select the custom object to work on, and then click it's Page Layout tab.

  2. Click on the row of the page layout to select the row.  Do not click on the object name.

  3. Click the Clone button.

  4. Enter a new Page Layout Name.

  5. You can now add, remove, and modify sections, fields, and their properties.

  6. Click Save when you are finished, or Cancel to return to the Page Layout tab without saving any changes.


See Also

Create a Page Layout

Page Layout - Add Related Tabs

Custom Fields

Custom Buttons

Reports Overview

Dashboard Overview


Auditing Overview



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