An Account is a way of organizing your information. An Account could be for a customer, vendor, family, or a physical location or store. Generally an Account is used to organize related information under it, such as a family and it's members, or a company and it's employees.
Links to topics below:
Who are Accounts meant for?
Creating/Editing Accounts
Relationships with other Features
How to get the most out of Accounts
Since an account is typically the most basic unit of measure for a client, most aspects of a sales and support line will focus on items related to an account. This means that a Sales Representative, Account Executive, or Support Agent will have access to to the Accounts object.
As with creating any other record, an account is created by clicking New and entering as much data as is necessary. The only field that must have data in it by default is "Account Name". Depending on the access restrictions of a user's profile, they may not be permitted to create Accounts, only edit them.
The Account Summary shows a list of all accounts filtered by the currently selected View. The View can be changed by selecting another View from the top-right dropdown menu. The view can be sorted by clicking on any column. The Summary view also displays all buttons that can be used to influence multiple records at once. A particular account can be selected by clicking on it once and selecting the Show Detail arrow (next to the view dropdown) or double-clicking on the Account name.
In addition to viewing a list of Accounts, certain details are shown on the right, this includes the account name, the support checkbox, the V.I.P checkbox, the delinquent checkbox, phone number, email address, website, and related Contacts and Opportunities.
Multiple records can be selected at once by clicking in the empty space to the left of the first column to check each Account off. All records on the page can be selected by clicking in the empty checkbox
Buttons (can be used for multiple records): Google Maps, Mail Merge, Send Email
The Account Detail shows all of the detailed field data on each Account.
Any buttons that are shown here will function only on this selected Account.
Related records can be accessed from each related tab.
Each account must have a specified Owner. See Ownership.
Accounts are at the top of the food chain. A lot of other features are tracked in relationship to accounts.
Like many other features, Accounts are only as useful as the data entered in them.The Account record itself is fundamentally used to track contact information (email, address, phone number) as well as act as a hub for other related CRM features.
CRM Lead
Page Layout
CRM Opportunity
Fields and Relationships
Custom Objects
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