Create a Report

The number of reports that can be created is dependant on the application license.


Reports provide you with the information that you need to monitor, run, and grow your business.


Permissions are required to work in the Setup and with Reports.


Reports are a service, like a helper application, that you can include as part of your PerfectMind application.  The first step to creating reports is to make sure they are part of the application that your are working in.  The Reports list also shows you any Dashboards that have been created.


Reports (and Dashboards) are organized as your Personal Reports, Regional or Business Unit Reports, or Location Reports.  


You can create folders to organize your reports in each of these sections.  Up to six levels of folders can be created.


Add Reports to Your Application Suite


To make sure Reports are included with your application:

  1. Go to Setup > Development > Menu Setup.

  2. Click on an application suite in the list.

  3. Select Report from the Available Objects drop down list.

  4. Click Add to put it in the list of objects and services in the application suite.

  5. Click Save to finish, or Cancel to exit without making any changes.



Create a Report


When you are working in your application, you can view existing or create new reports by bringing up the Application Suite selector at the bottom of the page, and click on the Report item.



The view of the locations, reports, and dashboards that the user can see will be determined by the permissions set in their profile.  A user may only have a Personal reports folder and a folder for the reports in their location, for example.

  1. Select the folder where you want to create the new report.

  2. Click the Add button and select Add Report.

  3. Select the type of report you wish to create.  See:  Report Types for details.

  4. Chose the Header and Grid Line display options.

  5. Click the Next tab.

  6. Choose where you will be getting the information from (the Primary Object).

  7. Create filters to select what information will be displayed.  You do not have to create a filter, in which case all of the information will appear in the report.  For example, you could choose to view all customers, or create a filter to view only customers from a certain city.  See Reports Filtering for details on creating filters.

  8. The Advanced options allow you to further refine the filters.  See Reports Filter - Advanced for more information.

  9. Click the Next tab.

  10. If you selected the Summary or Matrix type reports, you will go to the Grouping tab.  This allows you to select up to three options to group the information by.  For example, you may want to group by location and product type to see for each location how many sales by product type have been made.

  11. Click the Next tab if have finished grouping the information.

  12. Choose what columns of information you want to see in the report.  You can select or change the column by clicking the Choose a Column / <<Name of column>> button.  You can delete columns by clicking on the X on the column buttons, or add columns by clicking the Add Column button.

  13. Sort the information by clicking on, dragging, and dropping up to three columns into the Sort By header.  Click on the column name in the Sort By header to change the sorting order (from A to Z sorting to Z to A, or from earliest first to latest first, etc.).

  14. Click the Next tab.

  15. On the Summary Fields tab, you can select:


  17. Click the Next tab.

  18. If you want to display your report graphically, choose the Chart Type, otherwise click the Next tab to continue.  The Chart Type selects how you want the information to be displayed; as a pie chart, line graph, bar chart, etc.  For more details see:  Charts and Presentation

  19. Click the Next tab to see a Preview of the report.

  20. You can go back and change the report options if you want to make changes.  That can also be done any time after saving the report.

  21. Click Save to save the new report, Cancel to return to the reports list without saving any work or changes.

  22. Enter a name for the report.  This will be displayed in the reports list.

  23. Select the folder where you want the report to appear.

  24. Click Save to save the new report, Cancel to return to the reports list without saving any work or changes.


    See Also

    Reports - Filtering

    Charts and Presentation

    User Overview



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