Reports - Filtering


Creating a filter allows you to select the specific information for the report.  Filters can be built up from multiple conditions to make them as specific as you need.


Permissions are required to work in the Setup and with Reports.


A filter is simply a way to select the information for the report.  If you want to see all of the information for an object, just choose that object in the Primary Object list and do not set any criteria to select the information.  You can add and combine criteria to create a very specific set of information that you want to see.  Filters can be used to restrict the results by regions and locations as well, so that only information related to the region or location is used.  For example, a report that store managers might run could be filtered to show the information only for their store, and not for the entire organization.  


Reports can also be embedded in page layouts for objects, so that they are always part of what the user sees when looking at the layout for the object.  The report can be set to automatically filter by the particular record in a page layout.  For example, a report that shows the delinquent invoices for all customers can be embedded into a customer page layout so that it will show only the delinquent invoices for the particular customer that the user is actually looking at instead of for all customers.


Reports can also have the criteria for the report be made available in the report itself, allowing the user to run the report and select different criteria values in the report itself.  For example, in a list of contacts the user could select the City field, and the report would change to show only the contacts in the selected city.  This flexibility allows you to create one report that allows you to see and filter information in many ways without having to create new reports.


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Create a Basic Filter


From the Filtering tab:

  1. Select the object that you are creating the report on.  If the object has other objects related to it (such as invoices that are related to customers) the application will also include the related objects, and you can select and filter by those as well.



  3. If you want to see all of the information, e.g. all Customers, you do not need to create filter criteria, or conditions, and can click the Next tab.

  4. If you want select specific information, then you need to add criteria to the filter.

  5. If the Primary Object has Master-Detail or Lookup Relationship fields that relate it to other objects, those objects and their fields will available for creating filters as well.



  7. Select the field that you wish to filter information on.

  8. Select the condition for that filed, such as equals, greater than, less than, etc.

  9. Select or enter the value for the condition.  This may depend on the original field.  For example, if you are filtering on Created Date it will be a date, if it was a pick-list or drop down list you can choose the values from those lists, or if it is a text field you may have to type in the filter sort criteria.

  10. Click the Add Criteria button to add it to the criteria list.  You can add more than one set of criteria by making different selections then clicking the Add Criteria button.



  12. If you select the Adjustable on Report option, you can change that criteria on the report in the report itself when you view the report.  In the example above the Customer Location information can be selected after the report is run.  When the report is run, it will show information filtered by Customer Location1, but then it can be changed so a user could select Customer Location2 and see the results for that right in the report without having to create a new report.

  13. You can repeat these steps to add new filter criteria.

  14. When you have finished, you can click Save to save the filter, or continue to the Advanced filter features, below.


Advanced Filter Options


Advanced filter options let you filter the results by the users location, prompt the user for input, and give you more control over how the basic filters work with each other.

  1. The Use Location Filter will filter the results by the users location.  For example, if a report showed all Customers and the Location Filter was on, a user running the report would only see the Customers associated with their location, and not all of the Customers.  This allows you to make a single report but have it automatically filtered by the location of the person running the report.

  2. Prompt and Filter Results By lets the user select or enter information for the report.  For example, a Sales report could ask for a specific customer or a specific product, and then it would run using that information as a filter for the results.

  3. Insert Criteria allows you to create relationships between the criteria that you created in the basic filters.   AND creates an inclusive relationship (both conditions must be true to work), OR creates an exclusive relationship (only one of the conditions must be true to work).  For example, for a list of Customers, criteria 1 is "City = City One", criteria 2 is "Customer is a Regular customer", and criteria 3 "Customer is a VIP customer"



See Also

Filters Overview



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