Report Types


There are three basic types of reports that can be generated depending on how the information is to be displayed.  Information can be grouped, sorted, and display summary results such as averages and sub-totals.


Permissions are required to work in the Setup and with Reports.


You can click on certain elements of the reports to see details about that element.  For example, if you click on a customers name, an item, the ID for a sales record, etc., PerfectMind will open a new tab and display that specific information for you.


Tabular Report


This is the simplest type of report in which the information is displayed in a table format, and is basically a list.  You can show summary results on the columns, such as totals, averages, etc.  You can sort the report by clicking on the column header to arrange the information.  When you select a tabular report there will be no option to group information.  For example, you could create a list of sales by customer, but you could not group the list to show, for each customer, all the sales that belong to that customer (but you could sort the list by the customer name).



Summary Report


The Summary Report allows you to group your information in up to 3 levels, and it can provide you with summary information (totals, averages, etc.) for each group, so you can see sub-totals of your information.   In the example below the information is grouped to show sales by the customer.  You can expand or collapse the groups with the "+" and "-" icons, or the Show Details button.



This is an example of a Summary report that has two groupings, by customer and then by item for each customer.



Matrix Report


This is like the summary report, except that you can list information both across and down the report, with sub-totals.  This is useful for breaking down information to a fairly detailed level while still showing the more general information as subtotals.


In the example below, customers are listed down the left side, the different items across the top, and the number of sales by customer or item can be read in the table, and the total sales by customer or item can be read from the totals along the bottom or the right side.



See Also

Reports Overview

Reports - Grouping



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