Page Layout Overview


A page layout lets you customize the pages the user sees.  You choose what information to show, where on the page it appears, and who gets to see it.  You can have more than one page layout for an object.


A Page Layout allows you to determine how you will show the information about an object; it controls what the user will see.  Each object can have more than one page layout, and each layout can show your choice of information in the way that you want to show it.  A page layout can be assigned to different user profiles, so you can choose exactly what you want to show to the users.  You can create a summary view of the layout by choosing what fields will be part of the summary view.  PerfectMind automatically creates a default page layout which you can edit and use.  A page layout can also contain a chart or dashboard based on a report, giving you even more information about the record that you are looking at.


Using a Customer object as an example, you could have different layouts to view a customers data.  There could be one for the Sales department that includes contact and sales opportunities, another layout for Sales if the customer is a lead, one for Accounting showing invoices and purchases, and so on.


See Also / Notes

Create a Page Layout

Custom Object - Page Layout

Reports Overview



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