The number of reports that can be created is dependent on the application license.
A Dashboard is a way of displaying a chart based on a report. It can be displayed on a page layout, and there can be multiple charts in a dashboard. They are usually used for simple reports, and can be used to show real-time information.
Permissions are required to work with Reports and Dashboards.
A Dashboard is simply a way of showing one or more existing charts in a layout that can be added to the page layout of an object. It can be refreshed as data changes, so it will show current information and changes. For example it could show the number or dollar amount of sales made today, the number of leads added in the past seven days, the number of orders outstanding, and so on. Generally they are used to provide quick at-a-glance views of simple information, using charts that are sized to fit into a page layout.
A dashboard has it's own page layout that lets you add one or more charts to it. You will need to create the underlying report and chart first, and then the chart can be used in a dashboard. Charts can be created from Summary and Matrix reports, but not Tabular reports. The dashboard can then be added to the page layout of objects, or viewed from the Reports object directly. Dashboards are created from the Reports object and are added to the folders as the reports are.
Reports Overview
Create a Report
Charts and Presentation
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