Template Overview


A template allows you to define the default information that appears when a new record is created.  Templates are assigned to user profiles.


It is an excellent way to ensure that when a new record is created that all the required information is entered by the user, and it saves time on data entry.  Templates for objects help to ensure that all the business information that you need to have is there and complete, by entering required or default values for the user automatically.


Templates belong to objects, and you can have different templates for different user profiles for each object, giving you the ability to customize PerfectMind to your needs.  User profiles can have more than one template available to them.  In that case the user can choose what template to use based on the situation.  You do not have to create templates for every object or every user if you do not want to.


See Also

Create a Template

Custom Objects - Templates

Show Tag Details

Working with Profiles



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