The number of regions available is dependant on the application license.
A Region is a way to define or arrange a part of your organization. A region can contain other regions and locations within it, or stand alone.
Permissions are required to work in the Setup.
Regions are meant to represent important or larger aspects of your organization, business, or structure. You can name them as you wish, to reflect their function. There is always the one main, or root region in the application which represents the entire organization and application. Only Owner and Administrative users with the correct permissions can work with regions.
Profiles in the User Service work with regions and locations in determining what users can see and do in the application. Profiles, which are permissions to see and work with information in the application, are assigned to locations. See User Overview to see how permissions and multiple profiles work in determining how a user can work in the application.
From the application go to Setup > Company Setup > Business Units.
Click on Regions.
Click New. You can also click in the list where you want the region to be created, or after it has been created, click on it, drag it, and drop it where you want it to be in the list.
Type in a name for the region.
Click Save to save the new region, or Cancel to exit without saving any changes.
You can re-organize the regions and locations by clicking on them, and dragging and dropping them to a new place.
You can change the name of an existing region or location by clicking on it, typing a new name, then clicking Save.
It is recommended that you re-assign or move any regions and / or locations below the region you are deleting to where you want them to go, otherwise the application will place them under the main or root region at the top.
Click on the Region to be deleted.
Click the Delete button.
User Overview
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