
 The number of locations available is dependant on the application license.


A Location is a way to define or arrange a part of your organization.  Locations are created under regions.  You can not create other regions or locations under a location.


Permissions are required to work in the Setup.


A location is meant to represent a particular part of your organization.  They tend to stand for a single thing, such as a physical store, or a category that will not have any sub categories below it.  For example, Sales could be a group (region) of employees, with Inside and Outside sales as groups (locations) under Sales.


Note: Locations can not be deleted.  They can be made inactive, no longer appearing anywhere in the application except for the Location setup section.  This is to preserve location based information.  An inactive location can be made active again.


Profiles in the User Service work with locations in determining what users can see and do in the application.  Profiles, which are permissions to see and work with information in the application, are assigned to locations.  See Users Overview to see how permissions and multiple profiles work in determining how a user can work in the application.


Note:  If you are using a multi-location organization, there will be a default location automatically created for you.  You can rename it and use it.


Add a Location


From the application go to Setup > Company Setup > Business Units.

  1. Click on Locations.

  2. Click the New button.

  3. Select the Region that the location belongs to.

  4. Enter the Location Name.

  5. Enter any other details that may be necessary.

  6. Click Save to save the new location, or Cancel to exit without saving any changes.


Edit a Location


From the application go to Setup > Company Setup > Business Units.

  1. Click on Locations.

  2. Click on the name of the location that you want to work with.

  3. Enter any changes.

  4. Click Save to record the changes, or Cancel to exit without saving any changes.



See Also


Users Overview



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