The PerfectMind application is designed to protect your information and access to it, from internal user access to data storage.
Permissions are required to work in the Setup.
The application has one organization wide administrative user with permissions over the entire application. They can create profiles that define a series of permissions. These profiles are attached to specific regions and locations in the application, and they cover what can be seen and done in the application. Individual users are assigned to one or more profiles, so the profile defines what all of its users can see and do. The profiles allow you to define exactly what you want the users to be able to do with the application and it's information.
The level of security can be managed as well. Access can be granted for specific windows of time, dates, and IP (computer network address) ranges. For instance, an outside consultant could be given read-only access to one particular financial report on the first day of this month only between the hours of 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM from only one computer on the network, to use a rather restrictive example.
To protect financial and transaction data, it will be encrypted in the database itself. Such information may not be displayed completely to protect it as well. For example, credit card numbers could be displayed as: 1234********6789 in the application.
Information requests and links will be encrypted so that information such as logins, passwords, page details, the information being sent or requested, etc. will not appear as regular text and numbers.
User access can be controlled by locking out too many failed log in attempts. User names must be unique, and password security such as the length of the password and the use of numbers and symbols in the password can be set, ensuring your users are creating strong (secure) log ins. Password history can be used to ensure users change their passwords and don't reuse old ones.
Overview of User Services
Business Unit Overview
Password Security
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