Profile Info


Name a new profile and configure it.  Profiles can be for the application or for Members, which make information available to people who do not use the application directly, such as customers, suppliers, and other third parties.


Permissions are required to work in the Setup.



Profile Name:  A unique name.  It should be descriptive of the function and type of users who will have it.  If you have a multi-location organization the profile name must be unique in each location, but the same name can be used in different locations.

Organization Profile:  This is for multi-location organizations.  An organization profile is usable and exists in all locations.  This allows you to quickly enter and edit a single profile that is common to many locations at once, e.g. Store Manager, Instructor, District Manager, etc.

Type:  User or Member.


See Also

Work with Profiles

Member Profiles



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