

Filters are used to select information by certain criteria and conditions that you define.  Filters are part of and are used by Views in Custom Objects, Reports, Campaigns, and Workflows.


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Filters allow you to determine what information you want to use and show.  This could be for creating a report on sales, a dashboard showing call volumes, a customer view that includes only delinquent customers, or showing all employees from a certain location.


Filters are integrated into the application where you need them, and you will find them when you are creating reports, campaigns, or views.  Filters allow you to be as general or specific as you want with your information, including the ability to make the information region and location specific, scaling across the organization.


They work by selecting certain information (from an object's fields) and then applying conditions to it, creating the criteria for the filter.  You can build up multiple sets of criteria this way.  For example, first specify a particular location, then a city in that location, then a zip code in that city, then limit that to customers with more than $10 000 in sales.


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Create a Filter


If you want select specific information, then you need to add criteria to the filter.  

  1. If the Primary Object has Master-Detail or Lookup Relationship fields that relate it to other objects, those objects and their fields will available for creating filter criteria as well.  In the image below, the Sale object is related to the Customer and Item objects, and the fields in those objects are also available.  For example this allows you to create a filter that will show all sales (Sale is the primary object) where the Item name is "Item One".



  3. Select the field that you wish to filter information on.

  4. Select the condition for that field, such as equals, greater than, less than, or other options depending on the field that is selected.

  5. Select or enter the value for the condition.  This may depend on the original field.  If you are filtering on Created Date it will be a date, if it was a picklist you can choose the values from that list, or if it is a text field you must type in the filter sort criteria.

  6. Click the Add Criteria button to add it to the criteria list.  You can add more than one set of criteria by making different selections then clicking the Add Criteria button.



  8. You can repeat these steps to add new filter criteria.

  9. When you have finished, you can click Save to save the filter, or continue to the Advanced filter features, below.


Filters and Lookup Fields


If you select a parent object in a filter (e.g. Customer for a Sale, or Account for a Customer), and that parent object has a lookup field, (e.g. Account field on Customer for a Sale) you won't be able to use the fields on Account, but you can filter that lookup field to see if it is empty or not.  For examples, show all sales to customers that do not have an account.


Dynamic Date Filters


When filtering by a date or date/time field, it is possible to define a dynamic date range. A dynamic date range will always base the data filtered around the current day. The dynamic filters include the ability to define the Next or Last n days, weeks, months, or years. So at any time at all, a filter for the "NEXT 2 DAYS" will display all records that have a matching date field of the next two days. When adding this type of filter, simply replace the n with a number you wish to filter by.



Advanced Filter Options


Advanced filter options let you filter the results by the user's location and prompt the user for input and choose a selection option.  If there is more than one criterion in the filter, you can also create relationships using the different criteria.  

  1. The Use Location Filter will filter the results by the users location.  For example, if a report showed all Customers and the Location Filter was on, a user running the report would only see the Customers associated with their location, and not all of the Customers.  This allows you to make a single report but have it automatically filtered by the location of the person running the report.

  2. Prompt and Filter Results By lets the user select or enter information for the report.  For example, a Sales report could ask for a specific customer or a specific product, and then it would run using that information as a filter for the results.

  3. Insert Criteria only shows when there is more than one item in the criteria.  It allows you to create relationships between the criteria that you created in the basic filters.  You do not have to create these relationships if you do not need them.  The AND operation creates an inclusive relationship (both conditions must be true to work), OR creates an exclusive relationship (only one of the conditions must be true to work).  For example, for a list of Customers, criteria 1 is "City = City One", criteria 2 is "Customer is a Regular customer", and criteria 3 "Customer is a VIP customer"


See Also


Reports Overview



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