Public Profile

 Information Relating to Topic Heading, such as availability by permissions, brief description of any other related issues.  Not a description of the topic.


Purpose of the topic, briefly describing what it is used for and to do.  Let's the user understand what they are going to be looking at and what it does.


  Required information / setup on topic


This text describes some set of conditions that apply, such as the user needing to have permissions to see or change certain features, or other dependencies that may affect who or how the information can be used.


Sub-Topic of Main Topic One


If needed, the main topic can be divided into sub-topics.  These can be things such as a series of steps for adding information, then for editing information, etc.  E.g. For Contacts - Add a contact sub-topic, Edit a contact sub-topic.  This section contains information about that particular sub-topic.

  1. Steps to accomplish task (if needed).

  2. Text


Sub-Topic of Main Topic Two


This information applies to the next sub-topic,

  1. Steps to accomplish task (if needed).

  2. Text


If there are no sub-topics, the body of the text for the topic will appear here.  This can include links to other topics, images, tables, multi-media for help, training, etc.


See Also / Notes

These are the last comments about or related to the topic.  This includes links to related topics, video or other media resources, training, etc.


Link to related topic.

Link to related Training topic

Link to other resources, such as video for topic or training video.


Video Help




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